My June 2022 Photo of the Month is LJ138, taken at La Jolla Shores during a cool and overcast San Diego morning.
May 2022 Photo of the Month: MTRP190
My May 2022 Photo of the Month is MTRP190, a photo taken at Mission Trails Regional Park’s Lake Murray.
April 2022 Photo of the Month: WND59
My April 2022 Photo of the Month is WND59, taken during a beautiful morning on San Diego’s Windansea Beach.
Morning Windansea
In this post, I will show 5 images I created during a Saturday morning at San Diego’s beautiful Windansea Beach.
The Day After Earth Day
Yesterday was the 53rd Earth Day. It began in 1970 as a single-day protest over the planet’s environmental degradation, while in 2022, it was an opportunity for a quick social media post to virtue-signal and return to drinking your bottled water.
Latest Trend: Landscape Photography Dutch Angles
In the photographic world, only one person can birth an original idea. Then people follow and create a trend, and then that trend becomes a cliche. In these modern times of cliche, HDR-ridden, Orton-glowed-to-death, luminosity-masked-to-hell, multi-composite monstrosities, I bring to you my newest pursuit: Landscape Photography Dutch Angles.
March 2022 Photo of the Month: SNT143
My March 2022 Photo of the Month is SNT43, taken in a small field of wildflowers at Santee Boulders in the Eastern area of San Diego.
February 2022 Photo of the Month
My February 2022 Photo of the Month is SC122, taken on a beautiful morning in San Diego’s Sunset Cliffs Natural Park.
Some Spring Green in MTRP
It was a beautiful Saturday, and I sought some respite in one of my frequent haunts, the West end of San Diego’s Mission Trails Regional Park.
Bill Ewasko Can Rest Peacefully Now
This past week, a couple of hikers found Bill Ewasko1, missing in Joshua Tree National Park for nearly 12 years. I was delighted at this news and hope this brought his family some closure, and had some personal thoughts of my own on how we seek destinations known and unknown, and the dangers that wait.