My July 2014 Photo of the Month is Desert Monsoon, a photograph made in the Cholla Garden of Joshua Tree National Park during a monsoonal lightning storm.
Yosemite’s Upper Cathedral Lake – Notes
Sunset At Upper Cathedral by T.M. SchultzeThis past weekend, I journeyed to Yosemite National Park with long-time friend, colleague, and fellow photographer, Jeremy Long. We were looking to make an image showing Upper Cathedral Lake at sunset, with reflection from beautiful Cathedral Peak.
June 2014 Photo of the Month: Blue Hen Falls and Alcove
My June 2014 Photo of the Month is Blue Hen Falls and Alcove, taken of the picturesque waterfall in Cuyahoga Valley National Park in Ohio.
Pashadelic Image Scraping Update
While Pashadelic did not reply to my inquiry about why they were using my 500px images without authorization, I am happy to report that they did delete the “profile” I did not sign up for. I only found this out by manually looking for it and getting a 404 error. It would have been nice … Read more
What is Pashadelic? And why are they using my 500px images?
Yesterday, doing a cursory search on Google on my name, I found something I wasn’t expecting. I apparently had a page on a website called Pashadelic. The site included some of my images from 500px, and was presented like I had made this page myself. I had not. This data was scraped from 500px, and … Read more
Partnering in Photography
In about six months, I am planning to co-author my first book, the Photographer’s Guide To Joshua Tree National Park. My co-author and lifelong friend, Jeremy Long are extremely excited to bring this project to fruition. Speaking for myself, I can’t wait to finish this guide for artists and photographers everywhere to enjoy. I am also … Read more
May 2014 Photo of the Month: The Bullfrog
My May 2014 Photo of the Month is The Bullfrog, a sunset image I made in Joshua Tree National Park.
Own Your Own Backyard
Own Your Own Backyard: Great Photography Is Right Where You Live! The world is filled with amazing photographs. The greatest photographers in the world have taken photos that we all wish we could replicate. I have been fortunate to visit a few of these locations, like False Kiva, Park Butte, and others. For most of … Read more
April 2014 Photo of the Month: Lunar Eclipse, Spica, and Mars
My April 2014 Photo of the Month is Lunar Eclipse, Spica, and Mars.
March 2014 Photo of the Month: Beaumont Tower
My March 2014 Photo of the Month is Beaumont Tower, a photograph made on the campus of Michigan State University.