I don’t remember if I purchased Radiohead’s Kid A on exactly October 2, 2000. I probably did. Back then, it was a quick lunch-time trip to Best Buy to browse their massive Compact Disc layout that took up most of the retail floor space. On an end-cap, you would find the displays with all the “New Releases.” I would have paid in cash. Probably after I made the trip to the bank to cash my paycheck. I don’t think I even had a credit card in 2000. I am not sure if I even had a checking account.
September 2020 Photo of the Month
My September 2020 Photo of the Month is SDRP22, taken near Lake Hodges during a cloudy morning in San Dieguito River Park.
All The AC/DC Songs With The Word Rock
Many people consider AC/DC one of the greatest rock bands of all time. This blog is not one of them. This blog will hesitantly admit to enjoying some of their work. Making fun of AC/DC is enjoyable because they have basically shown no development in their music for 45 years. Some bands show consistent development … Read more
August 2020 Photo of the Month: EC35
My August 2020 Photo of the Month is EC35. This was an image made near Warner Springs, California during a beautiful monsoonal storm.
July 2020 Photo of the Month: OH8063
My July 2020 Photo of the Month is OH8063, photographed along Old Highway 80 in San Diego County’s In-Ko-Pah Park area.
Yes, I Shot Comet Neowise Just Like You Did
Here is a small selection of images from Comet Neowise that I photographed in the past week.
June 2020 Photo of the Month: LM130
June 2020 has come and gone. It’s time to discuss my latest Photo of the Month, LM130, from my drive through the Laguna Mountains.
Laguna Mountains From A Different View
Since the pandemic began, I have severely cut back on my intra-County travel for photography. Even with life slowly opening up, I haven’t been out as much as usual. What follows is a roll-up of some recent experiences in our beautiful Laguna Mountains.
May 2020 Photo of the Month: LM118
The pandemic continues. I can’t get out much. But I have a May 2020 Photo of the Month. LM118 is my selection.