Out Of Focus Photography: The Next Frontier In Fine Art

Out of Focus 3

As a creative professional1, it is important to be on the leading edge of photography composition, editing, and style. Doing so allows you to be obnoxious and condescending to all other photographers.

Why make images that people like when you can loudly express how great you are, while everybody else sucks? Because of this, I would like to declare: I am one of the world’s leading Out Of Focus photographers.

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RIP Fry’s Electronics

The digital revolution began something like 25 years ago.  In 1997, as a 20 year old armed with my College Loan money at San Diego State, I bought my first computer at Fry’s Electronics.  I didn’t really need the computer.  But I wanted to use this thing called the internet, and I didn’t want to have to leave my dorm room to access it.

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