We now have a Joshua Tree Photo Guide finished and ready for you. Purchase the new e-book co-authored with Jeremy Long at www.jtphotoguide.com. The book includes 83 pages and 23 key photographic locations for you to make greater images in Joshua Tree National Park.
A Marathon To Get The Joshua Tree Photo Guide Finished
Jeremy Long and I are proud to announce the completion of The Photographer’s Guide To Joshua Tree National Park. We have spent a year writing the book, and the photography spans over 10 years.
The book is $ 9.99 and is being launched in PDF format, with additional formats for the Kindle, Nook, and iBooks formats coming soon.
This book is designed for the discerning photographer who wants to make great images visiting the park. Many of the locations require knowledge, timing, and plenty of planning to execute. This book isna’t about stopping at Skull Rock. This guide is to help you easily locate great locations that aren’t as obvious to the tourist crowd. You will have a head start on making your own great images.
We hope you are one of those photographers. Jeremy and I have been visiting Joshua Tree since our childhoods, and learning every corner of the park has been important for both of us. We hope this experience will help you in your photography.
Seeing this project from idea, to pursuit, to completion, has been eye-opening. This first edition taught us a lot about the world of self-publishing.
Jeremy and I are looking forward to working together to produce more guides to help more photographers in the field. We won’t give away what is next, but there will be additional useful guides for you in the future.
If you purchase the guide and make images with it, we encourage you to use the hashtag #jtphotoguide on social media so we can see the great work you make. Feel free to contact us at info@jtphotoguide.com for any comments or questions about the guide.
Good luck and go make some awesome images!
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Exploring Joshua Tree Portfolio Gallery
T.M. Schultze is a San Diego-based photographer, traveller, and writer. He writes, photographs, and draws things of the outdoors that have inspired humans for thousands of years. He co-authored the Photographer’s Guide to Joshua Tree Park which can be purchased here.