It was the mid 00’s and I found myself home for Super Bowl Sunday. My roommate was also home. We decided to order pizza for the game. I liked football, but I liked pizza more. I also wanted leftovers – I told my roommate to order a bunch. So he went on his computer and … Read more
As a kid, baseball was my first love in sports. This was the 1980s, so the Lakers were at their Magic-Kareem apex, but my first allegiance went to the Tommy Lasorda Dodgers. We lived in a small apartment that backed up to an empty property. Our friends lived a couple lots up from us. In … Read more
The White House in Crawford is on fire. Tanks have breached the castle walls. Troops have invaded the property in all directions. Protestors holding lit torches.Here a clueless man with a wife and two kids stands on the front porch, holding them tight, through the screaming and wailing and fear and certain death.“Everything is going … Read more
“The Mirage and the Rat Race”By T.M. SchultzeHere was a rugged old man who exemplified the life of a hermit. He was an unkempt type, with wild, long hair and a patchy beard years removed from grooming. His clothing looked like ragged rawhides, like coyote skins pieced together, always seeming to come apart. He had … Read more
“A Meeting at an Old Café”By T.M. Schultze“You saved my life.” This was the only thing Joe could think to say to break the silence, yet the quiet resumed. Mary looked outside the black rusted gate of the café, across the quiet street, wishing she could be anyplace in the world but here.Just as Joe … Read more
“Leaving And Returning”By T.M. SchultzeYou and I once played in these same fields that spread for miles, you and I were one of those beautiful children playing games with no winners or losers, frolicking in a world full of flowers dotted with stunning majestic oak trees. Here, they need not grow up, they need not … Read more
LeavingBy T.M. SchultzeYou and I once played in these same fields,That spread for miles in each direction.You and I were one of those happy kids,Playing games with no winners or losers,You and I lived in this world of flowers,Dotted with stunning majestic oak trees,And yet, this is a place that you and I,Cannot picture in … Read more
About That Great American Novel I Was Going To Write…Tracy Schultze Writing
At long last, I am embarking on a long-desired project, the completion of my first novel.
I have been writing for nearly as long as I could read. Before my 30s were defined by my love for photography, I spent much of my teens and 20s writing. Most people do the majority of the writing in their lives as children, whether they be book reports, essays, or other class assignments.
T.M. Schultze is a San Diego-based photographer, traveller, and writer. He writes, photographs, and draws things of the outdoors that have inspired humans for thousands of years. He co-authored the Photographer’s Guide to Joshua Tree Park which can be purchased here.
My collection of short stories, poems, and non-fiction will be posted here occasionally.I will also include some information on my recent reading. Because of the amount of time I spend in rush hour traffic, I have spent more time enjoying Audible audiobooks.Writing has been a life-long passion and I look forward to sharing more of … Read more
T.M. Schultze is a San Diego-based photographer, traveller, and writer. He writes, photographs, and draws things of the outdoors that have inspired humans for thousands of years. He co-authored the Photographer’s Guide to Joshua Tree Park which can be purchased here.