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Goals At One Month

It is time to cover my 2023 goals, and whether I have managed to follow through and keep apace.  So this is my attempt at New Year’s Resolution accountability after 31 days.

2023 Goals One Month Update

I last updated my progress after one week, and you get a bigger idea of the 2023 goals I set here.

Perhaps I will do this again after one quarter, and then six months, and finally, on 2023 New Year’s Eve, whether I actually got anything done.  So let’s do this.

Resolution 1:  180 Pounds.

I have lost appoximately six pounds so far.  I feel this is short of what I wanted to do, and because our water volume fluxuates, this isn’t enough to really think I have lost any weight.

So I am declaring a slight impasse on this one, with the proviso that I haven’t gained weight for sure.

Resolution 2:  7,500 Steps

31 for 31 days so far on this goal.  I really do feel a natural urge to get my legs moving, which is good.

Resolution 3:  Exercise Bike, 30 Minutes Per Day

31 for 31 days as well on this one.  That doesn’t mean my mind hasn’t been tested.  I started out with this idea that I had to do 30 minutes, non-stop, each time.  But there was no reason that was necessary.  So I have focused on 5 minutes of high intensity, 6 times per day.  This seems to work as it allows me to use my working hours to reset.

So this has gotten easier.  I still feel the burn in my quads, but this has been a nice addition.  I am not sure what I will do when I do need to travel, but I will cross that bridge when I get there.

Resolution 4:  36 Blog Posts This Year

This is blog # 4, so the pace is fine.  I have some longer pending posts that I may move to my Pages, so that my blog sticks to about 300 – 500 words per post.

Resolution 5:  Give Up Soda

I haven’t exhausted the Caffeine-Free Coca Cola in the refrigerator.  We’ll discuss this later.  I guess I could technically do this on December 31 and qualify, but that would be cheating.

Resolution 6:  Fast Food (Only 12 Times)

I managed to not eat fast food for the entire month, and I bet this was the first time since I was a teenager.  It hasn’t been easy.  The cravings are outrageous.  I really did dream about eating McDonald’s last night.

But I have stayed strong.  I have technically “earned” a fast food trip, but since I am not happy with the progress on Resolution 1, I will see how long I can hold out.

Resolution 7:  Stop with the Red Meat (Only 12 Times)

This is another one, and it may be my first month without red meat, ever.  I grew up in a meat and potatoes family.  This has also been another tough one.  I have tried to eat nuts and protein bars, for now.  I also have plenty of chicken still in the freezer.

When people hear this, they immediately ask me, ‘Does your body feel better?’  The answer is Not Really.  Maybe in time, but not so far.

Resolution 8:  Save 10%

This one may be tough to pull off, with eye-watering prices on everything.  Honestly if I could even do 5% of this goal, I would be quite satisfied.  Still too early.

Resolution 9:  100,000 Words

I haven’t written anything.  I should have completed about 11,000 words in January.  I have a couple things in my head regarding short stories that could potentially be expanded into novel volume (hence the 100,000 word goal).  I really need to sit down and really hit this one hard in February.

If anybody sees this and wants to do any critical editing, let me know.

Resolution 10:  Redacted

This one is not going as well as I hoped.  Those in the know, can text me, but most people are not in the know.

The New Year’s Resolution Committee thanks you for your time and reading, and we look forward to seeing you in a couple months.  Until then, onward.

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