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WordPress Training and Help

Are you a photographer needing WordPress help?  I offer the ability to build your website, tune it up, or train you on how to use your WordPress site to make your work shine and save you time.There are a lot of Content Management Systems around, but I believe that WordPress is the best platform in … Read more

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Happy 20th Birthday Snakepower.org

Cahuilla Lodge Website Circa 2004

May 4, 201820 years ago, on May 4th, 1998, we registered the domain name www.snakepower.org.  Cahuilla Lodge was one of the first Lodges in the country to have their own domain name (Octoraro Lodge (Archive Link) appears to have been the first in 1995 although they are curiously now using a different URL).  In fact, … Read more

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Photographer Websites To Follow

This is a large but incomplete list of photographer websites to follow.  For a shorter list of friends, heroes, and people who have inspired my work, see this link for that list.Photography PagestmschultzeT.M. Schultze is a San Diego-based photographer, traveller, and writer. He writes, photographs, and draws things of the outdoors that have inspired humans … Read more

Home > Websites

Photographers, Friends, and Inspiration

This is a list of friends, photographers, and people who have inspired my pursuit to express myself through the lens. Some are my closest friends and have been with many on many adventures. Some I have admired from afar. All have been instrumental in how I see the world and how I express it to … Read more

Home > Websites


This page is a placeholder for a domain co-owned by my friend Shawn Kasner and I in the early days of the internet.  The name was derived from a song called Climbatize we both loved from The Prodigy.  At the time, that domain name was already name, so the close-spelling is what we went with.While … Read more