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The Day After Earth Day

Fern Forest

Yesterday was the 53rd Earth Day.  It began in 1970 as a single-day protest over the planet’s environmental degradation, while in 2022, it was an opportunity for a quick social media post to virtue-signal and return to drinking your bottled water.

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Fanita Ranch Is A Zombie


I don’t know much about zombies. What I do know is that they are neither alive nor dead, they are nearly impossible to kill, and they will eat your brains. That does seem to apply to the oft-proposed Fanita Ranch development in Santee.

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Thoughts On Fanita Ranch

Fanita Ranch Mailing

Fanita Ranch Mailing
Fanita Ranch Mailing

Last Week, I received a piece of mail about the long-proposed Fanita Ranch development in the Northern city limits of Santee.

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Santee Castlerock Development – Early Photographs (Update: Now Called Weston)

Earth Movers Were Here

This month, construction has begun on Santee’s Castlerock Community (Update:  Now called Weston).  This area is just next to my home.  I am just walking distance away, and I wanted the opportunity to photograph the hills above Santee before they were carved and changed forever.

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Ban Plastic Shopping Bags

Ban Plastic Shopping Bags


I have used my last plastic shopping bag.  As 2016 approaches, one of my goals is to stop using or allowing retailers to use plastic shopping bags for my groceries and items.

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High Speed Rail Boondoggle

The Hundred Billion Dollar BoondoggleRight now, Californians are well on their way to making a huge mistake.  The Los Angeles to San Francisco high-speed rail line indeeds sounds great on paper.  The idea that in just a few hours, you can head from the South to the Bay Area with stops in the Central Valley, … Read more

Home > Environment

Cedar Creek Falls Sucks

Cedar Creek Falls SucksThis is quite something to say about what is the most picturesque waterfall in San Diego County.  After the closure of Cedar Creek Falls, I hoped that something could be done to reign in the partiers, jerks, and immature people clogging the falls every weekend.  After my first visit with the Cleveland … Read more

Home > Environment

Quail Brush is just a P.C. way of mentioning San Diego Screwing Over Santee

You may not have heard about the crap power plant that the City of San Diego wants to put in next to their equally lousy garbage dump.  It is titled the Quail Brush Power Plant. So why is everyone in Santee so pissed off about it?Most people don’t realize that nearly the entire property north … Read more