Home > April 2021 Photo of the Month: CRSP49

April 2021 Photo of the Month: CRSP49

My April 2021 Photo of the Month is CRSP49, taken in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park.

CRSP49 – Beautiful clouds above the Sweetwater River valley’s Japacha Trail in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park.

CRSP49 Background

Just like that, 33% of 2021 is behind us.  I spoke last month about “filling my Lightroom Map module,” and while some have joked about it, I have found it a practical way to review and consider areas that I have been overlooking.

Once I decided to spend more time in Cuyamaca Rancho State Park, I came up with a few ideas for new images.  CRSP49 is one of those results.  There are a number of trailheads along State Route 79 between Descanso and Paso Picacho.  Even better, unlike the Pass, they are (currently – may change) free of charge to park at.  I spent an entire day hiking at least part of all of the trailheads.  While the morning was overcast, by the afternoon it gave away to beautiful clouds.  This is probably what most would consider my kind of weather, and admittedly, I do enjoy composing in these conditions.

Long and streaky clouds were above, and this is where I enjoy creating images that emphasize that verticality (for reference, see my Vertical portfolio gallery).  This area is in the beautiful Sweetwater River Valley.  You can’t really see the river with the reed growth, and there wasn’t going to be much water anyway with our ongoing severe drought.  Yet, right before me was one of the 5 largest rivers in San Diego County.

Other News

In other news, I am already sweating RTTO (Return To The Office).  As much as it has been good to Work From Home during the pandemic, going back to in-office life is already causing me great anxiety.  The days of Introvert Life being acceptable to 6 billion extroverts on this planet are coming to an end.

I got my first Moderna vaccine on Monday.  The needle hurt a little, and there a little pain at the injection site the next day.  That was it.  No side effects or anything.

A friend of mine who jumped the line and encouraged me to do so (I said no, that was no acceptable) said that having no side-effects means I previously didn’t get COVID-19.  Well, no kidding, maybe that was why I didn’t need to jump the line.  I have had virtually no contact with people in the last 14 months (and have loved that!), so I had virtually no chance of getting it and could afford to be patient.

It is still nice to have this behind me, and after my second vaccine in May, I should have some peace of mind.  There has been so much about Pandemic Life that I don’t want to change in “After Times,” that I am going to miss the solitude.  Extroverts ruin everything.

As always, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the image.

Further Viewing

Photos of the Month Portfolio Archive

San Diego’s East County Portfolio Archive

T.M. Schultze Fine Art America Print-On-Demand Store