Yuma East Wetlands During Summer
I visited my Grandmother for the weekend and had a great time. July in Yuma is, of course, incredibly warm. We stayed inside most of the weekend, but she suggested we visit the Yuma East Wetlands early in the morning.
This is a gallery of images I made at the East Wetlands and the adjacent Yuma Gateway Park, which is just underneath the Yuma Ocean-To-Ocean bridge.
Clicking on any of the images will launch the gallery. Read below for more information.

When the days can be as warm as 115 degrees, waking up very early before sunrise was a sensible option. Even at 4 AM, the temperature was still 90 degrees. Because of monsoonal moisture, it was also extremely humid.
The light was also incredible. Rain was definitely falling in the distance near and beyond the Gila Mountains, although I can’t say for sure if the precipitation was hitting the ground. It made for fantastic hues of red and purple. When the sun finally rose, it hid behind a thin layer of clouds and spilled out brilliant oranges and yellows.
I am quite happy with the images, but the most satisfying part was sharing the moments with my Grandmother. As an artist herself, I could see she was truly inspired by the amazing beauty as we looked East.
The Yuma East Wetlands during Summer is best visited very early in the morning. With Summer monsoons, you can make some truly outstanding photographs.
As always, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the images.
T.M. Schultze is a San Diego-based photographer, traveller, and writer. He writes, photographs, and draws things of the outdoors that have inspired humans for thousands of years. He co-authored the Photographer’s Guide to Joshua Tree Park which can be purchased here.