Yesterday, I photographed the latest solar eclipse.
After the Extrovert Debacle from my last solar eclipse, I commuted from my home office to my front patio. This was a pragmatic decision, since I was working and needed to keep up to date there.
From my area, the eclipse was only at 54%. Last time, I related that it looked like a crescent moon, but this time, I thought it looked a little more like Pac-Man.
As with my other eclipse photographs, they don’t look too different than the images other people took. I did remember from last time to underexpose a little more, and sure enough, some sunspots were visible.
Despite a good solar filter on my lens, and wearing sunglasses before going to the TTL, the light was still very intense. I felt a bit dazed after making all these images over a 2 hour period. Luckily, I don’t have to be concerned with that for another 21 years, assuming I can live that long. I suppose at that time I should aim for hanging out with thousands of others in the Totality Zone.
Solar Eclipse Progression
Below is a progression of the eclipse. I aimed for 5 minute increments, but my gear caught the attention of neighbors, and I couldn’t step away from work at exact increments. The gallery here flows down each column, so I recommend you click to see the progression in a Lightbox.

Further Viewing
T.M. Schultze is a San Diego-based photographer, traveller, and writer. He writes, photographs, and draws things of the outdoors that have inspired humans for thousands of years. He co-authored the Photographer’s Guide to Joshua Tree Park which can be purchased here.