Home > New Year’s Day – The Most Optimistic Day Of The Year

New Year’s Day – The Most Optimistic Day Of The Year

New Year’s Day!

New Year’s Day is the greatest day of the year.  Be happy.  Be happier.  Eat better.  Exercise more.  Be a success.  Get back to your ideal weight.  Stay focused.  Save money.  Pay down debt.  Be more amiable.  Meet somebody.  Fall in love.  More importantly, have them fall in love with you.  Take fewer photographs.  Take higher quality photographs.  Stay off social media.  Stay away from television.  Stay away from politics.  Waste less.  Consume less.  Be less materialistic.  Write more.  Write that novel.  Find a publisher.  Don’t fear the future.   Or the reaper.  Lifehack without being too obsessed with lifehacking.  Learn to code.  Learn to code in multiple languages.  Rebuild your career.  Get that promotion.  Look for a new field.  Have a career plan.  Network with more people.  Be more social.  Make more friends.  Have less anxiety.  Worry less.  Embrace that mid-life crisis.  Make a difference to others.  Get to know more people.  Spend fewer nights at home.  Admire the stars.  Make a few images of them.  Wish upon a meteor.  Don’t worry if your wish comes true or not.  Be optimistic for the future.  Make all your dreams come true.  The world is your oyster.  You can do this.  You can do it.  You got his.  Starting today, on New Year’s Day.  All is quiet on New Year’s Day.

Don’t fret when none of these come true in 2017.


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