CNP7 is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken 2010 at Canyonlands National Park, Utah
CNP7 by T.M. Schultze
False Kiva, Winter is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken 2010 at Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Beautiful False Kiva, a pithouse from the Fremont Culture in Utah's Canyonlands National Park, during a cold Winter day.
CNP18 is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken 2010 at Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Close-Up of the rope and sign asking people to stay off the Midden. Notice the sign was down. And yes, there are footprints visible on the other side of the sign. So disappointing.
CNP17 is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken 2010 at Canyonlands National Park, Utah
CNP17 by T.M. Schultze
CNP25 is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken 2010 at Canyonlands National Park, Utah
View along our hike to the False Kiva ruin in Canyonlands National Park.