ECM25 is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken 2022 at Blossom Valley, California
Black and White rendering of El Cajon Mountain, also known locally as El Capitan, one of the major landforms in San Diego County, in a beautiful storm casting light and shadow.

Chaparral Dreams is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken at ,
Chaparral Dreams by T.M. Schultze

Chaparral Dreams is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken at , California
Chaparral Dreams by T.M. Schultze

Still Mountain is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken at Blossom Valley,
Still Mountain by T.M. Schultze

El Monte Valley is a photograph by T.M. Schultze taken at ,
El Monte Valley by T.M. Schultze