My collection of short stories, poems, and non-fiction will be posted here occasionally.
I will also include some information on my recent reading. Because of the amount of time I spend in rush hour traffic, I have spent more time enjoying Audible audiobooks.
Writing has been a life-long passion and I look forward to sharing more of this with you in the future. I graduated from San Diego State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in English. I have a long back-catalog of stories that began when I was in junior college, and I have written pretty consistently since, even when I also took up Photography as a serious pursuit.

Old Writing I Will Someday Release:
- A Meeting at an Old Cafe (2006)
- America Behold
- Clock
- Generation X Goes To Hell
- Girl By The Pool
- Humor Me For A Moment
- Introduction
- Journal
- Leaving (2005)
- Leaving…and Returning (2006)
- No Quarter
- Notes
- Punishment
- Red Eyes And Blue Dreams
- Reflections
- Run
- Set Me Free
- Spider Webs
- The Beauty of Life
- The Cold Wind From Within
- The Death Of Existence
- The Descent
- The End of the Story
- The Mirage and the Rat Race (2005)
- The Professor
- The Singularity
- The Songs That Never Die
- The Worst Of Times
- The Wounded Animal
- These Streets Are Lonely
- Three Strangers…
- To Cut Off Quickly
- To Whom It May Concern
- Two Lovers
- Unacclaimed And Unacknowledged
- Writing in Ruins
- Young Woman At The Counter Of A Small Town