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Movie Ratings

I have made a list of movies I have seen with my ratings and notes on each movie.

My Grade
A Clockwork Orange
Stanley Kubrick
Brilliant, disturbing, violent, and provocative. I am not sure the violence against women has aged well. Incredible performance by Malcolm McDowell. Watching with subtitles highly recommended.
American Fiction
Cord Jefferson
The book is better, but the film is excellent. I thought some of the nuances of Erasure would be difficult to adapt to film, but Jefferson makes it work. Slight critiques that some of the storyline differs from the novel.
Angels and Demons
Ron Howard
Recommended by friends Vianney and Vince who knew the movie would annoy me. Plot was ridiculous, science was stupid, I figured out who the bad guy was in about 3 minutes. Horrible movie.
Alejandro GonzƔlez IƱƔrritu
A movie of this ambition is difficult to pull off, but IƱƔrritu is up to the challenge. The connecting plots are driven by a couple outlandish devices, which makes the entire picture less than perfect. I enjoy ambiguity, but I would prefer the ending have a little more to hint what was in Chiekoā€™s note.
Black Swan
Darren Aronofsky
Several very good acting performances. However, the ā€œlead character has mental illness and sees scary visionsā€ motif is tired and overdone. Movie was fine, but not totally satisfying.
Sian Heder
Feel-good movie. Some very funny moments. I didnā€™t buy the main character going from scared at choir to a generational voice. Good film, though.
Cruel Intentions
Roger Kumble
After 25 years, I must say this movie has not aged well. I suppose I liked it because of Sarah Michelle Gellar and Reese Witherspoon, but the movie is both unbelievable and unrelatable.
Donnie Brasco
Mike Newell
Nice to remember that at one time, Johnny Depp was capable of acting that didnā€™t involve being a pirate. Of course, that is balanced by Al Pacino going back to the mob movie well another time. The movie departs from the real Donnie Brasco, and Joseph Pistoneā€™s actual story is more interesting than the film.
Full Metal Jacket
Stanley Kubrick
Flawless. My favorite Kubrick and Vietnam movie. Lee Ermey deserved an Oscar.
Gone Girl
David Fincher
Great acting. Rosamund Pike was excellent, and nice surprise to see how good Tyler Perry was. Several big plot holes. I should have read the novel first. And I canā€™t resist a Trent Reznor soundtrack.
Michael Mann
Nearly flawless. Perfect cast, unusual character development for an action movie. 90s Moby on the soundtrack. Very slight issues with typical shootout cliches and this was the era of Pacinoā€™s overacting.
Spike Jonze
Overrated. Nice set design. An AI movie, but the lead characterā€™s job would obviously be lost to AI. Can confirm Scarlett Johansson has a very nice voice. Most unbelievable part of the movie: all those digital devices, and they donā€™t have to charge them even once.
Hundreds Of Beavers
Mike Cheslik
Friend Mike told me I had to watch this. Later texted him, ā€œthis is so stupid, why am I laughing so hard.ā€ Perfect low-budget slapstick film. Flawless.
Christopher Nolan
Wonderful setup and a great plot. Well filmed and acted. Loses a little from veering a bit to close to The Matrix, and some of the normal cliche action movie tropes.
Inside Llewyn Davis
Coen Brothers
All the hallmarks of a Coen Brothers movie. Isaac Oscar and the cat(s) were fantastic.
L.A. Confidential
Curtis Hanson
Solid crime noir with a fantastic cast. Excellent all around, but I found Danny DeVitoā€™s character to be unnecessary and in the way. A tabloid writer felt like a movie add-on that could have been eliminated and the story remains powerful.
Jackie Brown
Quentin Tarantino
My favorite Tarantino film, and one that seems to be overlooked. So many great performances. Max, why did you not go to Madrid with Jackie?????
Christopher Nolan
Everything works in this film. Other than the ā€œamnesiaā€ cliche, the movie is nearly flawless.
Millerā€™s Crossing
Coen Brothers
If ever there was a way to parody a gangster movie, the Coen Brothers found it.
Moonrise Kingdom
Wes Anderson
My first Wes Anderson movie. Great cinematography. Lot of great names in the cast. Couple outlandish plot advances. Recommended by my friend Bill ā€“ he snuck in a Scout movie.
Mulholland Drive
David Lynch
Impressive and surreal. Naomi Wattsā€™ performance was incredible. I havenā€™t figured out the movieā€™s resolution and I am not sure I want to. Sometimes, not knowing is better.
No Country For Old Men
Coen Brothers
Coen Brothers rule. Fantastic execution. I do not understand why Llewelyn went back to the crime scene. Bugged me the entire movie. Dare I say that Javier Bardemā€™s performance was a little overrated?
Once Upon A Timeā€¦In Hollywood
Quentin Tarantino
Excellent Tarantino sentimentalism and revisionism. Ending was well executed. Brad Pitt was very good in this one.
Raising Arizona
Coen Brothers
Early Coen Brothers, but all the elements that would make their future films great were in their infancy. Good to see that Nicolas Cage was a mediocre actor all the way at the beginning.
Requiem For A Dream
Darren Aronofsky
This movie had me at Jennifer Connelly. Perfect acting everywhere. While some have criticized all the screen effects, I think it accurately portrays the metal state of every character. Clint Mansell had one of the best scores ever. Flawless.
Reservoir Dogs
Quentin Tarantino
Unpopular opinion, I know. I view it as a limited movie that doesnā€™t satisfy. Always feels like part of the film is missing. One of the weakest Tarantino movies.
Alexander Payne
I donā€™t know anything about wine. But I think this movie is great. Paul Giamatti was great.
Guy Ritchie
The quintessential Guy Ritchie movie. First time I watched it, I was baffled. Every ensuing viewing has been hysterical. Great performances by Alan Hale and Dennis Farina.
The Big Lebowski
Coen Brothers
Ridiculous and funny. Very quotable. I donā€™t want my ashes in a Folgers can.
The Fifth Element
Luc Besson
Director, speaking to the studio: ā€œI have this great idea. What if we combined Die Hard, Stargate, Indiana Jones, and Blade Runner. Oh, and letā€™s make it a comedy as well.ā€ This was a bad idea. And it was not funny. Is it possible to request a refund 27 years later?
The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)
John McTiernan
Ridiculous plot. Nothing is realistic. Plenty of eye-rolls. This seemed to be the beginning of the end for John McTiernan. Unfortunate suggestion by friend Vianney.
The Three Burials Of Melquiades Estrada
Tommy Lee Jones
Jonesā€™ directorial debut. Great performances by Tommy Lee Jones and Barry Pepper. Great morality tale. West Texas is always a great setting for a movie.
The Wrestler
Darren Aronofsky
There couldnā€™t be a better role for Mickey Rourke. Rourke and Marisa Tomei were great. Beautifully shot, the grainy film worked perfect. Fantastic in every way.
Steven Soderberg
Brilliant. Soderbergā€™s cinematography was unique and helped drive the movie. Excellent performances all around. Steven, I must say though, La Jolla is part of San Diego, not North of San Diego.

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